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If it weren't for funny memes—you know: quips and images that exist solely for easy entertainment—Facebook wouldn't be entertaining enough to steal so much of your time. Instagram, too, would be little more than selfies and stylized pictures of food. And Twitter? Don't even get us started. In short, the internet would be a joyless void of constant news alerts, questionably reliable research, and self-aggrandizing social media posts without some of the internet's funniest memes.
Fortunately, that's a nightmare you don't have to imagine, thanks to the fact that funny memes are everywhere—and not going out of style anytime soon. Herein, we've gathered the funniest memes of all time. Don't worry: We've kept it all SFW. Because if there's one ironclad rule of the internet, it's this: Never hunt for memes on the bad part.
You never know when a funny meme may come in handy. Whether you want to turn a bad day around or send a laugh for the sake of viral silliness, the funny pics below are sure to get you giggling, talking, and sharing. Read on for some of the funniest, weirdest humor the internet has to offer.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, lots of aspects of our lives went virtual. And that included legal proceedings. The danger of conducting business over Zoom, as this lawyer discovered, is that it's far too easy to accidentally put a filter over your face that you don't know how to remove. The result? Pure comedy.
In typical fashion, SenatorBernie Sandersdressed practically for the January inauguration of PresidentJoe Bidenand Vice PresidentKamala Harris. The internet instantly fell in love with his posture, his utilitarian coat, and especially his mittens, and the meme factory was in business once again. Even stars likeRyan Reynoldsgot in on the fun.
While branded memes haven’t reached become the butt of a joke like the Bloomberg campaign memes, making memes that don’t land the joke or don’t stick out can also be an issue.

Memes are more than just entertainment. If you scroll through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, then you've surely noticed how mainstream they've become—memes dominate our newsfeeds more than actual news itself. Whether they come as images or videos, they can be political, satirical, comical, pretty much anything you can imagine, and they not only make us laugh, but have the ability to identify a common feeling, experience, or opinion as well. I mean, how many times have you seen a funny meme and thought 'that is so me'? And then tagged your friend in the comments? It's this that makes memes such a popular cultural phenomenon: they're both personal and universal. To see what I mean, scroll through this relatable memes list compiled byBored Panda—you'll see that even seemingly harmless, funny memes can open up doors to more serious topics.
The term meme was coined in 1976 by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his workThe Selfish Gene. Dawkins conceived of memes as the cultural parallel to biological genes and considered them, in a manner similar to "selfish" genes, as being in control of their own reproduction, thus serving their own ends.
So in those terms, memes carry information, are replicated, and are transmitted from one person to another, and have the ability to evolve. Memes mutate at random, undergoing natural selection, and can take a variety of forms, such as an idea, a skill, a behaviour, a phrase, or a particular fashion.

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